Renovation Pignatelli building


The intervention in a building noticed as a Monument, the Pignatelli building of the Government of Aragon, represents a compromise between its architectural and historical values ​​and the programmatic needs and current regulatory requirements.

The action involves implementing improvements in energy efficiency, environmental sustainability and habitability of the building  to achieve a minimum reduction of 30% in the consumption of non-renewable primary energies and the reuse, recycling or recovery of 70% in weight of non-hazardous waste.

Technical sheet

Location:           36 Maria Agustín avenue. Zaragoza

Architects:         Magen Arquitectos

Developer:        Gobierno de Aragón

Collaborators: David Mateo (quantity surveyor); Ingenieria Torne, AZ Ingenieria (engineer);

Construction:  Grupo Mariano López Navarro (MLN)

Competition:   2023

Project:             2023-2024

Works:              2024-2026

Area:                 52.262,28 m2