Los Nuevos Edificios del St Casablanca, publicados en el libro Top One Architecture


The book “Top One Architecture”, edited by Pace, includes New Clubhouse Stadium Casablanca, by Magén Arquitectos.

«Projects collected in this book possess the two characteristics: imagination and precisition; they are valuable visual material for designers to learn. (…) Excellent design can only be created with a peaceful and clam creative minded and will be examined by time.»

El libro «Top One Architecture», de la editorial Pace, incluye una selección internacional de proyectos , entre ellos los Nuevos Edificios del Stadium Casablanca.

Eng, 42×29 cm, 520 p. – ISBN 978-988-16214-5-0

+info: Nuevos Edificios Stadium Casablanca,  New Clubhouse Stadium Casablanca

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