Book «1000x European Architecture», by Braun Publishing (Switzerland)


The book “1000x European Archicture” includes the Environmnental Department of Zaragoza City Council  and Kindergarten Rosales del Canal in Zaragoza (Spain), both by Magén Arquitectos.

Eng, 1024 p. – ISBN 978-3-03768-087-2

«»1000x European Architecture» is one thousand European buildings from the last five years: it is neither a small selection, which is a typical limitation of architectural monographs, nor a “census”, which would not only be impossible but also undesirable as it would present too many “buildings” and not enough “architecture”. The one thousand buildings in 1000xEuropean Architecture are far more an example of carefully selected architecture, a cross section of “collective” European architecture, which simultaneously considers individual achievement. Taken from within the timeframe of the last five years, the buildings included have emerged from widely divergent economical backgrounds: a large section of the projects included was built in the building boom before the financial crisis, or at least planned during this time. A second group was faced with great financial difficulties, either in the early execution phase or in the late planning stages. A third group was built in a time of full awareness of the financial crisis, a situation that is still continuing in many countries. The final group involves projects that were either built at a time where confidence in economic recovery was beginning to return or, because of a short building timeframe, were completed with the knowledge that they had overcome the crisis.»

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